We Help E-Commerce and Sales Businesses Scale & Produce Market Leading ROI through Paid Advertising and SEO.

Olympe Media Is An Industry Leading , E-Commerce Specific Agency That Has Generated Millions In Revenue For Businesses Just Like Yours.

Stop wasting time and money on hopeful and ineffective ad campaigns.

It’s time to make your marketing budget work, scale your business, and skyrocket your sales.

We Help E-Commerce and Sales Businesses Scale & Produce Market Leading ROI through Paid Advertising.

Olympe Media takes healthy Ecommerce businesses and turns them into industry leaders and $1M - $10M behemoths. 

We are an Industry Leading , E-Commerce Specific and Sales Agency That Has Generated Millions In Revenue For Businesses Just Like Yours.

Stop wasting time and money on hopeful and ineffective ad campaigns.

It’s time to make your marketing budget work, scale your business, and skyrocket your sales.

Our Philosophy

The reason behind our very existence and creation is that at start we were frustrated by the online marketing and agency space. It’s filled with empty promises, faulty numbers and lazy efficiency.

Here at Olympe Media, we have made it our purpose to end this stigma of poor quality marketing and we do this by limiting the amount of clients we work with at any given time, to ensure that your business gets 100% of our focus and attention. Due to our philosophy, we only work with a specific kind of client with a given objective that we will make our mission to achieve.

Maybe that's you: it would be our honour to find out.
Schedule your FREE discovery call below.

What we offer


Paid Ads... 
That’s it

On a quest to discover how to best serve you, we found an exceptional answer: become the master of one thing and one thing only.

If you want an agency that cuts through the confusion and straight up delivers results - we’re for you.


We don't offer any other services except for paid advertising...


SOME OF THE Companies That Trust Us

Meet The A-Team

We are a team of passionate digital natives, ready to put our intelligence at your service.

We all come from the world of Media and Digital agencies where we have worked for the biggest brands in the world and on the most complex strategies to allow already mature clients to reach a new step in terms of branding and performance. Some of us worked at Google or Facebook and learned a lot there but ended up getting tired of the system of agencies that had an old fashioned way to approach things. It was not sufficiently in line with the deep needs of companies (to make more sales and revenue )

So we created ours to give you a way to take advantage of the digital ecosystem!

Founded By Noamane CHOUKAILI, who’s spent the past 5 years working with agencies and Google he ended up assembling the best talents he met together to create a new generation agency.

With our special company culture, calibre of clientele & overall enthusiasm for all that is marketing - OLYMPE MEDIA has an access to a remarkable talent pool.

Noamane Choukaili


Dat Nguyen

Google ads and Amazon 
ads Specialist

Baptiste Perard

SEO & Media buying Specialist

Ophélie Saltan

Facebook ads and Social Media Specialist

Meet The A-Team

We are a team of passionate digital natives, ready to put our intelligence at your service.

We all come from the world of Media buying and Digital agencies where we have worked for the biggest brands in the world and on the most complex strategies to allow already mature clients to reach a new step in terms of branding and performance. Some of us worked at Google or Facebook and learned a lot there but ended up getting tired of the system of agencies that had an old fashioned way to approach things. It was not sufficiently in line with the deep needs of companies (to make more sales and revenue )

So we created ours to give you a way to take advantage of the digital ecosystem!

Founded By Noamane, who’s spent the past 5 years working with agencies and Google he ended up assembling the best talents he met together to create a new generation agency.

All our talents are certified by each of the media buying platforms through which we connect advertisers and their customers, so we can meet the high standards of the market and bring you the value you need to efficiently promote your offer and grow your revenue.

With our special company culture, calibre of clientele & overall enthusiasm for all that is marketing - OLYMPE MEDIA has an access to a remarkable talent pool.


Foundational C, A, R

Before we spend $1 on ads, we undergo an operation called Foundational Copywriting, Analysis and Research (C, A, R). This operation enables us to gain a deep routed understanding of your ideal customer, industry and competitors and true metrics. In addition, during this phase we analyse your sales processes to identify any holes that may be prevalent and we look to instantly fill those in. Thus, increasing your sales process conversion rate and enabling us to get as much juice from your advertising budget as humanly possible (high return on adspend). 

Take Advantage of the Customer Journey

A customer journey map is a visualization of every step a potential customer takes in completing a desired action with your company.
Customer journey maps allow you to pinpoint exactly where you need to interact with potential customers to ensure that they are aware of your brand — at every step of the marketing funnel.
What does it mean exactly ? That means that with the right setups and structure, you can target the most relevant prospect with the perfect message, which leads to maximized performances

Going To Market

Once we have a detailed understanding of your industry, competitors, true metrics and ideal customer (their characteristic and personality traits etc), we then publish the first iteration of ads. This is where we start to collate data and make informed decisions on what is and isn't working. Equipped with this knowledge, we can then launch new iterations that are 2-4x more profitable and scalable. Whilst we are implementing on this iteration feedback loop, we're simultaneously building the structured paid traffic funnel which enables us to seamlessly take a prospect down a specifically tailored path (Top of Funnel down to Bottom of Funnel) which has the end goal of the prospect buying. 

Ramping To The $Ms

After going through iterations based off the data we collate, we'll now know exactly who your ideal customer is, what resonates with them most (what evokes an innate motivation for them to buy), and where they congregate on the specific paid platform. It's at this point that we can now start injecting the proven paid traffic funnel with high spend with predictability and profitability. This is when you'll start seeing the $Ms roll in.

Don’t Take Our Word For It our clients Results speak for us

Checkout Our Craft In Action

Backstory On This Client:

$4.8M in 12 months with a 493% increase in growth compared to the previous 12 months. This is an Ecomm client who is quickly becoming the industry leader in the womens supplement niche specifically. They started with us in September of 2019 and since then we've been able to help them go from $800k ARR to $5M ARR and we'll cross the $10M ARR mark in 2021. 

The reason we've helped this client ramp to such high numbers in a short period of time is because prior to working with us, they had no machine in place that enabled them to predictably spend x and generate (x*2,3,4,5). They were shooting in the dark when it came to advertising which severely limited their growth and harmed profit margins. 

Once we came onboard, we straightened out their sales funnel and offer, implemented deep platform strategies and cohesively combined them into 1 behemoth scaling operation.

Backstory On This Client:

This is an Ecomm client who specialises in the health and wellness niche. Prior to becoming a Olympe Media client, their main median of advertising was influencer marketing which took them from $0 - $50k MRR but then they were capped out. 

There was only so much scale they could experience with influencer marketing and so that's where we came in. They'd never ran a single paid ad before and so starting from complete scratch, we were able to ramp them up to $200k + MRR (solely from our paid traffic) in 8 months with a 15+ monthly ROAS. This was a byproduct of having a deep routed understanding of their ideal customer and knowing exactly what they wanted. 

Equipped with that knowledge, all we needed to do was simply put what they wanted in front of them and they bought. We are now pushing this client spend beyond the $75k/month mark and are on track to surpass $7M ARR.

$12k => $225k In 30 Days

Backstory On This Client:

This is an Ecomm client who specialises in the health and wellness niche. Prior to becoming a Olympe Media client, their main median of advertising was influencer marketing which took them from $0 - $50k MRR but then they were capped out. 

There was only so much scale they could experience with influencer marketing and so that's where we came in. They'd never ran a single paid ad before and so starting from complete scratch, we were able to ramp them up to $200k + MRR (solely from our paid traffic) in 8 months with a 15+ monthly ROAS. This was a byproduct of having a deep routed understanding of their ideal customer and knowing exactly what they wanted. 

Equipped with that knowledge, all we needed to do was simply put what they wanted in front of them and they bought. We are now pushing this client spend beyond the $75k/month mark and are on track to surpass $7M ARR.

Backstory On This Client:

Strong USPs are vital for any brand to have in order to routinely generate any type of profitable results at scale. It's a non-negotiable. This is a tech based Ecomm client who not only has strong USPs but also has a very strong product-market-fit.

They received one of our outbound emails (because we could see from a birds eye view that this specific brand was not utilising paid traffic to the heights they should've) and they ended up getting on a call with us to discuss how we could help them in more depth. We showed the sheer amount of money they were leaving on the table by not having a solid paid traffic funnel in place and not having the ability to confidently spend $x to generate a sale for $(x*3, 4, 5+). 

Fast forward a couple months after they became a client and we are now able to spend just under $15, at scale, to acquire a customer that's worth roughly $75 straight off the bat (excluding LTV of the specific customer). We are now on track to scale the monthly ad budget over $200k whilst maintaining hyper profitable margins.

Backstory On This Client:

This is real life proof that 'fiercely ramping isn't brain surgery and it can be achieved in 3 months or less'. This was a newly launched info product in June 2020 and within the first 3 months of being live, thanks to correctly executed paid traffic, we were able to ramp this client from $0 to $80k generated whilst maintaining a healthy 4.8 ROAS. 

This is what happens when you pair a high converting sales process, a product that has product market fit and extremely effective paid advertising. This client is now sat at $100k MRR with $20k - $30k in monthly adspend.

$16k => $78k In 3 Months

Backstory On This Client:

This is real life proof that 'fiercely ramping isn't brain surgery and it can be achieved in 3 months or less'. This was a newly launched info product in June 2020 and within the first 3 months of being live, thanks to correctly executed paid traffic, we were able to ramp this client from $0 to $80k generated whilst maintaining a healthy 4.8 ROAS. 

This is what happens when you pair a high converting sales process, a product that has product market fit and extremely effective paid advertising. This client is now sat at $100k MRR with $20k - $30k in monthly adspend.

Backstory On This Client:

Striking a nerve within the audience we show ads to by crafting striking copy and pairing that with top tier creatives is the number one way to scale to $1M - $5M directly from paid traffic. This enables us to spend (as you can see above) $1.1K and return $7.5K in 1 day from evergreen ads (not a huge sale etc). 

We helped this client dial in his sales funnel as prior to working with us the conversion rate was below 1.5% and we helped him dial in his offering so his product became an absolute no brainer to his market (the perceived value more than outweighed the cost). This client has an AOV of $460 and an average CPA from ads of $70.

Backstory On This Client:

After losing money MoM with current and past agencies, this client came to us in a time of desperation. They couldn't go much longer without seeing some kind of profit and so, again, once they learned about our offer and track record, they wanted to give it one last shot before they took everything in house. It was very evident to the team at Olympe Media that the reason no one was able to make this brand profitable was because of the way they were conducting the advertising process itself. 

This client had everything down packed from product market fit (vital) to product operations to sales process conversion rate and offers. The biggest issue was no one could inject qualified customers into their proven sales process for a price that made sense. And so even though their sales process was highly converting, they were losing money because the advertising wasn't operating at the level it needed to be. We instantly revamped their creative process so we could generate top tier creatives in short lead times. 

We coupled that with copy that not only struck a nerve in their ideal customer but actually motivated them to buy and not just read about the product or think about buying. We also injected a strong funnel structure so now there is a methodical path that we push each potential customer down which gets them closer and closer to the sale and inevitably they'll buy. Now we comfortably sit at $200k - $250k MRR with the current monthly spend of $30k - $40k.

$36k => $205k In 30 Days

Backstory On This Client:

After losing money MoM with current and past agencies, this client came to us in a time of desperation. They couldn't go much longer without seeing some kind of profit and so, again, once they learned about our offer and track record, they wanted to give it one last shot before they took everything in house. It was very evident to the team at Olympe Media that the reason no one was able to make this brand profitable was because of the way they were conducting the advertising process itself. 

This client had everything down packed from product market fit (vital) to product operations to sales process conversion rate and offers. The biggest issue was no one could inject qualified customers into their proven sales process for a price that made sense. And so even though their sales process was highly converting, they were losing money because the advertising wasn't operating at the level it needed to be. We instantly revamped their creative process so we could generate top tier creatives in short lead times. 

We coupled that with copy that not only struck a nerve in their ideal customer but actually motivated them to buy and not just read about the product or think about buying. We also injected a strong funnel structure so now there is a methodical path that we push each potential customer down which gets them closer and closer to the sale and inevitably they'll buy. Now we comfortably sit at $200k - $250k MRR with the current monthly spend of $30k - $40k.

Backstory On This Client:

Prior to working with Olympe Media, this client was doing what was considered to be very well. They were at $100k/month with healthy profit margins but they knew they could be generating more from their advertising dollars. So when they came onboard, we instantly was able to eek out an extra 1.2% conversion rate from their sales process within the first few days by filling in holes that were evident. 

On top of that, prior to launching our first iteration of ads, we sat down with the client and crafted an entirely new offer that was far more irresistible for their ideal customer and helped make the purchase a complete no brainer. From that point, within 6 days of running the ads we were able to start ramping spend and scaling the ad account and as a byproduct, we generated $140k in the first two weeks of the second month and we closed out that month on just over $300k. A 200% increase in the first 60 days of working together.

Backstory On This Client:

This high end fashion client of ours found a hole in the market and they constructed a product around filling that hole. They had such a strong product-market-fit that when they went to market with paid traffic, they instantly saw profitability at a high level. The major issue they had was they were capped out at $100 -$200/day in adspend. Each time they pushed the spend to $500+ /day, profitability instantly decreased, things started to break and they started to lose money... 

So it made sense for them to stay at $100 - $200/day, where they were most profitable. After being served with one of our ads, this client came through our funnel and we ended up jumping on a call. Instantly, we could see this brand had mind blowing potential, they just needed a heavy hitter in their corner who could actually generate that potential for them. 

So they came onboard as a client. Fast forward to today, and we are comfortably spending $1k+ /day whilst maintaining a 5+ ROAS on any given day. We were able to quickly ramp past their usual $100 - $200/day spend in a hyper profitable manner by providing a more solid sales funnel from a paid traffic POV and by crafting ads that had a much longer half life. Coupling this, we seamlessly incorporated their product-market-fit offer which is enabling us to now experience a high MoM growth rate whilst staying offensively profitable and lean.

$54k => $290k In 3 Months

Backstory On This Client:

This high end fashion client of ours found a hole in the market and they constructed a product around filling that hole. They had such a strong product-market-fit that when they went to market with paid traffic, they instantly saw profitability at a high level. The major issue they had was they were capped out at $100 -$200/day in adspend. Each time they pushed the spend to $500+ /day, profitability instantly decreased, things started to break and they started to lose money... 

So it made sense for them to stay at $100 - $200/day, where they were most profitable. After being served with one of our ads, this client came through our funnel and we ended up jumping on a call. Instantly, we could see this brand had mind blowing potential, they just needed a heavy hitter in their corner who could actually generate that potential for them. 

So they came onboard as a client. Fast forward to today, and we are comfortably spending $1k+ /day whilst maintaining a 5+ ROAS on any given day. We were able to quickly ramp past their usual $100 - $200/day spend in a hyper profitable manner by providing a more solid sales funnel from a paid traffic POV and by crafting ads that had a much longer half life. Coupling this, we seamlessly incorporated their product-market-fit offer which is enabling us to now experience a high MoM growth rate whilst staying offensively profitable and lean.



Free 30-Minute Demo Call

By the end of this Audit call, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take for your business to start generating consistent and reliable results online with Media Advertising.

Find a time on Noamane’s calendar to schedule your call today and we look forward to speaking to you soon!


  • Businesses looking to understand their increased revenue potential via Social Media Advertising.     ​
  • ​Businesses looking for a reliable agency that can make their company a priority.                    
  • ​Businesses looking to maximize their conversion rates & average order value.
  • ​​Businesses looking to add some magic to their customer journey.

Have A General Inquiry?

If you have a general inquiry and would like to speak to our expert team, 
you can contact us via email at: noamane.choukaili@olympe-media.com
Book your free consulting call

Olympe Media Online Services - Company Number: 11178977
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